Empowering Enumerators: Recapping the Professional Upskills Training Program

The Professional Growth Accelerator program, conducted in collaboration with Innovations Hub Liberia, recently concluded, leaving participants with newfound skills and an invigorated sense of purpose. Over the course of one week, our enthusiastic participants learned key professional skills that will help them excel in their roles as enumerators and beyond. A total of 32 individuals successfully completed the training, each equipped with the tools to propel their professional journey forward.

Our vision was to empower participants with the essential skills they need to excel and to put them on a path of continuous growth. Collaborating with Innovations Hub Liberia, the program provided high-quality mentorship and training, ensuring that each participant received a comprehensive learning experience.

The program highlights included:

  1. Leadership and Team Management: Participants explored the nuances of effective leadership and team management, covering motivational strategies and conflict resolution, which will be critical in their future roles.

  2. Proactive Communication: The program emphasized the importance of proactive and constructive communication, enabling participants to engage effectively with team members and stakeholders.

  3. Digital Skills and Tools:

    • Word Essentials: Participants gained tips on navigating Word and Excel, which will help them in report creation and data management.
    • Email Tips: Participants were taught effective email communication strategies, including crafting professional messages and managing inboxes efficiently.
    • Shared Folders: The program covered managing and sharing files securely for better collaboration.
  4. Data Quality Management: This critical aspect of training highlighted the importance of data quality. Participants learned about data quality plans, identifying potential issues, and resolving them.

Post-training, participants are now applying their new skills through group activities that offer practical experience in leadership, planning, and data management while promoting collaboration and teamwork.

We are incredibly proud of the participants’ dedication and enthusiasm throughout the program. Their eagerness to learn has been inspiring, and we look forward to seeing them implement their newfound skills in the field. With the knowledge and tools they’ve acquired, they are well-prepared to make a significant impact in their professional journeys.

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